Challenge / Need

Pharmaceutical and biopharma companies often face significant challenges with data integration and analysis due to:

  • Data Silos: Many different projects and analyses are locked in Waters Empower, making it difficult to access and utilise this data effectively.

  • Disparate Data Sources: Analytical data from non-Empower machines is not stored in Empower, leading to fragmented data management.

  • Manual Processes: Manual export, comparison, and merging of data from Empower and non-Empower sources consume a lot of time and resources.

  • Limited Analytical Capabilities: Historical and cross-project analysis is almost impossible, hindering comprehensive insights and decision-making.

Solution: NetILab’s Comprehensive Data Management Platform with Empower (Waters) Connector

Netica’s NetILab offers a robust solution to these challenges through its advanced data integration and analysis capabilities, specifically designed to work with Waters Empower:

  • Empower Connector: Automatically exports data from Waters Empower and saves it in a centralized data warehouse for further analysis. This connector ensures seamless integration with the Empower system, eliminating manual data handling.

  • Versatile Connectors: Supports data integration from various non-Empower sources (e.g., flat files, CSV, TXT, Excel, JSON), allowing seamless merging with Empower data.

Key Features of the NetILab Solution:

  • NetFlow for Data Extraction and Transformation: Facilitates efficient data extraction and transformation, ensuring that all relevant data, including Empower data, is accurately captured and ready for analysis.

  • Unified Data Model: Provides a comprehensive data model for easy comparison of lab data from both Empower and non-Empower sources.

  • Historical Data Access: Enables easy extraction and analysis of historical data from Empower, supporting long-term studies and trends analysis.

  • Foundation for Advanced Analytics: Sets the stage for advanced analysis, including AI and machine learning applications, leveraging both Empower and non-Empower data.


By implementing NetILab, the pharmaceutical and biopharma industry can achieve:

  • Reduced Time Spent on Data Integration: Automating data export and integration processes from Empower and other sources significantly cuts down manual effort and time.

  • Enhanced Data Comparison: The unified data model allows for easy comparison of lab data from Empower and other sources, facilitating better insights and decision-making.

  • Increased Productivity: Streamlining data management processes leads to higher productivity and more efficient use of resources.

  • Comprehensive Historical Analysis: Access to historical data from Empower enables more robust and informed analysis, supporting better outcomes.

  • Advanced Analytical Capabilities: Lays the groundwork for incorporating AI and machine learning into data analysis, driving innovation and efficiency.

Discover How NetILab Can Transform Your Organization

NetILab’s comprehensive data management platform, with its specialized Empower connector, offers a cutting-edge solution for pharmaceutical and biopharma companies using Waters Empower. From unifying disparate data sources to enabling advanced analytics, NetILab streamlines and enhances data management processes. Contact us today to learn how NetILab can empower your data-driven journey.